Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The End of Fun

The other day, I was packing up yet another box of books from my children’s room when my 7-year-old appeared in the doorway. He stood there for a moment, sizing up the situation, and then proclaimed, in a sad combination of drama and resignation: “So I guess this is the end of fun until we get to the hotel on our move.”

My first instinct was to shoo him away so that I could finish the task undisturbed. But that phrase stuck in my mind: “The end of fun.”

Is that how my children see this? I hope not. We have Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties to attend, plenty of fun to be had before we make this move.

Then it hit me: Reassuring our kids that everything is going to be OK is at least as big a job as packing up our belongings and searching for new employment – and ultimately more important.


  1. Anne, I feel for you and your family. My kids have suffered through more moves than I care to admit. Some were hasty moves due to job relocation; some were planned in advance to try to realize a dream.

    From my experience, it is natural that kids will have anxiety about the upcoming move. And, you are absolutely correct that it is important to reassure your kids. One way to help them deal with the anxiety is to get them involved in the organizing and packing. It may take you more time to complete the task, but you can help them feel better because they are invested in the move rather than just being "moved."

    It's always tough to go through job loss and relocation, but it is a great opportunity to bring the family closer through this experience.

